Based on the Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI)data of the second- generation geostationary meteorological satellite FY-4A and in consideration of its channel settings,an aerosol model suitable for Shandong is constructed to study the retrieval algorithm of aerosol optical depth (AOD)in the research area. Two typical air pollution processes are selected for retrieval,and the results are compared and verified using the AOD products of adjacent time. It is indicated that the retrieval results are generally consistent with the spatial distribution of Himawari-8/ AHI (Advanced Himawari Imager)aerosol products and can reflect the change trend and distribution of AOD;the correlation coefficients between the results and MODIS products of adjacent time are relatively high with a value of about 0. 90 and a maximum of 0. 94. This shows that it is reasonable and feasible to use FY-4A/ AGRI data to retrieve aerosols in Shandong based on the custom model.